Family Copies specialises in painting reproduction and fine art replicas in London, UK

Is a highly respected company reproducing fine paintings for collections, auction houses,
museums, interior designers and private clients for over 30 years.

In the mid eighties, when the rest of the world were relying on individual painters to copy a painting by hand, Derek Bird refined and further developed the oleographic process, invented in Paris in 1900.
Over the subsequent three decades, with the advent of exceptional digital printing technology, our pictures are perfectly reproduced time and again. Substrates are chosen closely matching the original picture – primarily canvas, watercolour paper or board; and laboriously hand-finished by our highly-skilled specialist craftsman who apply the most critical top coats of varnish to ensure your painting is indistinguishable from the original.
Whether you have a picture that is consigned for sale at auction and wish to retain a copy, commission a copy of a treasured family picture; or ask us to find a painting from a particular artist - Family Copies provides a broad range of benefits to corporate and private clients.

We use the most advanced digital printing technology available today to ensure the richest colour with perfect tonal ranges.
In addition to this, to produce an authentic reproduction, all paintings are subject to an extensive hand-finishing phase which allows our highly-skilled specialists to capture the subtle texture of brush strokes.
For over 25 years we have worked with Bridgeman Images, the world's leading specialist in the distribution of fine art, cultural and media for reproduction.
If you don't own an original, we have access to over 4 million paintings covering every conceivable subject, style and medium; from the masterpieces of national museums to the hidden treasures of private collections, from which we can produce a wonderful Family Copy.

"Thank you Family Copies, we now have three very happy children, each with their own copy of our favourite family painting."
Private Client